through clenched teeth

through clenched teeth
we make it through the day

i try not to tell people how much i care
or how much i’ll miss them
when i’ve pushed them away.

through clenched teeth
we make it through the day

– study borderlinity in class
everyone must know –
i’m that kind of crazy

through clenched teeth
we make it through the day

keeping thoughts of nembutal
simmering low on the backburner of
our disappointment

through clenched teeth
we bring ourselves to the present
where there is preoccupation, ease

through clenched teeth
we try making madness work for us

we warn our boyfriends –
yo, imma rock that boat
don’t be fooled
i’m just testing,
don’t be scared,
and for fuck’s sake,
don’t leave me behind

so of course, they do.

  • Tara
    Tara runs this venture, and eats coffee.

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